SIG Newsletters
SIGITProjMgmt publishes a newsletter twice a year (Fall and Spring) to keep members up to date on activities, research, and publishing opportunities. All SIGITProjMgmt members are invited to offer items to upcoming issues of the AIS SIGProjMgmt newsletter. If you are interested, please send your submissions to the editor, Maheshwar Boodraj, by August 15 or January 15 for inclusion in the Fall and Spring newsletters, respectively.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Short essay/opinion/research study (800 – 1700 words)
- IT Project Management book review (800 – 1700 words)
- Teaching Project Management with teaching ideas or cases, sample syllabus, etc. (up to 1700 words)
- Industry voice PM-related essays from industry professionals (800 – 1700 words)
- Brief introduction of Project Management research tools (up to 300 words)
- Brief introduction of interesting IT Project Management journals and/or special issues, including citation information, brief description, table of content (for special issues), etc.
- CFP for IT Project Management related journals or conferences
View the newsletters below