Officer Responsibilities

Please see the information below for the primary officer positions. Responsibilities outlined here reflect the standard form AIS Student Chapter Bylaws. Refer to your chapter’s bylaws for any variations in officer roles.

If you have suggestions for other officer positions or resources to add, please contact .

University of Montana Student Chapter


Role and Responsibilities

The AIS student chapter template bylaws outline the role of the president as:

  • Developing and coordinating activities and services of the organization

  • Establishing and fostering positive relationships with other relevant organizations.

Other duties might include:

  • Work with the chapter membership to develop a strategic plan or to set SMART Goals

  • Oversee the work of the Vice President(s), program director(s), or committee chair(s)

  • Ensure that there is ongoing communication with the chapter leadership and membership

  • Ensure that all college/university required paperwork is completed in a timely manner

  • Ensure the AIS student chapter annual report is completed in a timely manner


Goal Setting
 Run an effective meeting
 AIS Annual Report Information

 For additional leadership resources, visit the Personal Leadership page

Vice President

Role and Responsibilities

The AIS student chapter template bylaws outline the role of the vice president as:

  • Implements and manages the organization’s activities and services developed by the President
  • Maintains routine contact with the President and stand in for the President when necessary
  • Shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence or if he/she is incapable of performing duties

The vice president is often a catch-all position for projects in an organization. With that in mind, there are a number of project management resources below.

Project Management,
Free, web-based tools. Get everyone on board with the timeline for the project. Assign tasks, due dates and follow the progress of your project.

For additional resources on leadership, visit the Personal Leadership page


Role and Responsibilities

The AIS student chapter template bylaws outline the role of the secretary as:

  • Coordinating office hours for officers and meetings.

  • Handling all the communications to be filed with the university and other student and professional organizations.

Additional responsibilities might include:

  • Writing and sending official thank you notes to speakers, presenters, and sponsors.

  • Drafting meeting agendas.

  • Taking minutes for executive and regular business meetings.

For more information on writing an agenda, see the Personal Leadership section of the website.

Timeline for drafting an agenda

Drafting an agenda takes some time and thought. Below is a suggested timeline and things to think about when preparing your meeting agenda.

  1. In order to prep your future meeting agenda you first have to look backwards.

    1. Acceptance  of meeting minutes. Did you send out the minutes from the last meeting? Add a motion to the agenda.

    2. Past Action items. Were there action items from the last meeting that need to be discussed or added as a reminder?

    3. Tabled items. Were their items that were tabled at the last meeting that need to be addressed at the upcoming meeting?

  2. Officer and Committee reports

    1. Reach out to the other officers, advisor and committee leaders for agenda items by at least two weeks before a meeting.

    2. Set a due date for motions and items (discussion time, attachments, report,etc.) that they want as part of the agenda.

  3. Send out the agenda with any attachments at least one week prior to the meeting. This gives all meeting attendees plenty of time to review the materials, motions that will be voted on, and discussion items.

Agenda and strategic plan or chapter goals

If your chapter has developed a strategic plan or has set SMART Goals for the year, make sure to include in the agenda what discussion items, reports, and motions directly speak to that plan or goals. For example, if someone is giving a report on membership recruitment, list that in the agenda, but in parenthesis also list "strategic plan item #3a" or simply "strategic plan." This will keep the plan and goals in front of the membership on a regular basis and will avoid the feeling that they spent time on a plan and goals for nothing. Almost everything a chapter does should relate directly to the strategic plan or goals! For additional resources on leadership, visit the Personal Leadership page


How to create a meeting agenda