How to Start an AIS Student Chapter

Starting an AIS Student Chapter requires dedication and effort, but the benefits can be substantial. It enriches your academic experience and equips you with skills and connections that can serve you well throughout your career in the information systems field.

Here are the steps needed to apply for AIS Student Chapter status: 

  1. Recruit a faculty advisor 
  2. Prepare application materials
  3. Formally submit your application
  4. Wait as materials are reviewed
  5. Submit your membership dues

Below you will find more details about the requirements as well as templates and examples to support your efforts: 

1. Recruit a Faculty Advisor - Identify an AIS Member to be the Student Chapter Faculty Advisor. Your chapter advisor must hold a current AIS membership. Please ask your advisor to join or renew, if needed. 

2. Prepare your chapter’s application materials – Prepare the following items prior to starting your application to charter a new AIS Student Chapter:   

3. Submit your chapter’s application Follow this link to submit your application to charter an AIS Student Chapter at your university.

4. Wait as materials are reviewed by AIS - The AIS Associate Vice President of Student Chapters will review your application materials and will approve your chapter’s charter or will offer suggestions for additional work prior to approval.

5. Pay your first year of annual dues - Annual chapter dues include all students within your chapter and are determined by a graduated payment scale based on the United Nations Human Development Index.  

Very High HDI $495
High HDI $190
Medium HDI $125
Low HDI $25

We know it can take time to have payment approved by your college or university. Don’t let this be a roadblock! If a special invoice is needed, please email We are here to support your success!

University of Montana Student Chapter

When in doubt, please ask. 
Please submit your questions via email to