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HP Design Thinking Competition (2021)

HP has a strong commitment to both innovation and diversity, with a belief that tech challenges can be better addressed when diversity and inclusion are part of the process of designing the solution. In this Design Thinking challenge, HP would like your team of 3-4 people to work on a solution for project collaboration. (Groups of fewer than 3 to 4 individuals are not encouraged, but a submission would not be rejected because of it.) With changes in workplace caused by the COVID pandemic, project teams have had to work remotely while maintaining productivity. The use of several communication platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams became widespread in the last year but those tend to be too generic to adequately support a team working on a project where communication and document sharing are vital but also context-specific. So, your team is asked to develop: 

  1. A set of wireframe mockups that shows important aspects of your solution. You are not expected to develop mockups for every screen in your solution, only for those that you want to highlight.
  2. A vision of the architecture for your solution. For example, would AI and/or automation be used? Any other technologies that can help support your solution? How would data be captured and used? Your team does not have to provide a high-level of detail but you should provide enough content that would allow the audience to understand that your solution could be feasible.
  3. A perspective on how diversity and inclusion would be supported in your solution. Because one of the biggest concerns of Design Thinking is in the search for empathy (that is, “walking on the shoes of others”), each team is strongly encouraged to include a diverse set of members, based on attributes related to disability, gender, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, among others. In addition, each team is required to validate their proposed solution with a panel of external (not belonging to the team) diverse reviewers (those reviewers could be fellow students). The panel should have at least three members and teams are expected to report their findings from this review as part of their submission.

Submission Instructions 

Upload a 10-minute video with your presentation to (make sure that you don’t make your video private so we can access it!). Your video should include a demo of the wireframe for your solution, an explanation about its overall architecture (how will data be captured, processed, and used; and how will people interact with your solution), and lessons learned from the diverse panel that validated your solution.

Email the following to by the deadline:

  • Your submission as PDF file
  • Link to your video
  • Names and email addresses of the team members with a corresponding author identified

First place: $2,000

Second place: $1,000

Third place $500


March 9 (10 am Central)
OPTIONAL: Case Competition Prep Workshop (Watch the recording)

March 19 (11 am Central)
Q&A session about the case (Registration required – RSVP here)

March 28
Submission deadline

April 2
Finalists notified

April 9
Final presentations
 and winners announced

Questions? Contact


  • The submission should be the work of the team. Faculty and/or other individuals can contribute to the submission in the role of advisors and coaches, but the final submissions should be created solely by the team.
  • Submissions based on current or past coursework are completely acceptable.
  • The contest materials must be submitted by the due dates.
  • Teams must be members of an AIS Student Chapter.
  • If the number of submissions allow, graduate and undergraduate groups may be judged separately. In this case, a team with a 50% or more graduate student composition will be classified as a graduate student team.

Preliminary Round

For the preliminary round, each team should submit:

  • A five-page maximum (excluding cover, references, and appendix) PDF document explaining the overall architecture of your solution. This document does not need to be very detailed but should give a good idea to the reader about how your solution would be implemented in terms of how data would be captured, processed, and used, the overall interactions users would have with your proposed solution, and the technical infrastructure where the solution would run. Feel free to include diagrams.
  • A set of wireframe mockup screenshots in a PDF document. You are definitely not expected to implement any part of your solution but the wireframe mockups should give a sense of the design for it. You are free to use any prototyping tool you have access to. You can include as many screenshots as you want in a PDF document; just make sure that each of them is labeled so that the reader can understand what the screenshot represents.
  • A two-page PDF document explaining how you conducted the review of your solution with the diverse panel and explaining what you have learned from the review.
  • A link to a 10-minute YouTube video created by the team presenting the three items described above.

Final Round

The top submissions, as scored by the judges, will move on to the final round, to be held at the Student Chapters Leadership Conference.  In this round, the teams will be required to make a presentation to the judges about their solution. The presentation should include the three topics listed above (architecture, demo using the wireframe mockups, and lessons from the diverse panel). The presentation should last 15 minutes at most and will be followed by a 10-minute Q&A session.

Judging Guidelines

Architecture (25%)

  • Is the architecture for the solution well-explained?
  • Does the architectural proposal look reasonable?

Wireframe mockups (25%)

  • Are the wireframe mockups leading to an understanding of the overall solution?
  • Are each of the individual wireframe mockups clear enough on its purpose?

Diversity learning (25%)

  • Was a validation of the solution conducted with a diverse panel?
  • Were the learnings from the panel clearly presented?

Presentation (25%)

  • Was the presentation clear and organized?
  • Were all three components of the team effort included in the presentation?