AI and Large Language Models in Company Security Policy

Competition Name: AI and Large Language Models in Company Security Policy

I. Introduction:

The use of AI and large language models is a significant area of innovation since the release of tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Anthropic’s Claude, Google Bard, and open source models like Meta’s LLaMA. This has become a focus of innovation and investment. The positives are offset by significant downsides, given security concerns and intellectual property challenges, both in terms of inputs being used as training and outputs running into unproven legal challenges around ownership.

II. Pros of AI Implementation

  • Enhanced Security: AI can analyze vast amounts of data to detect and prevent security breaches, minimizing risks of data leaks and cyberattacks.
  • Intellectual Property Protection: AI can monitor and safeguard intellectual property, identifying unauthorized access or use.
  • Efficiency: Automation through AI can streamline security processes and reduce human error.

III. Cons of AI Implementation

  • Privacy Concerns: AI systems may collect and process sensitive data, raising privacy concerns and potential legal issues.
  • High Costs: Implementing AI requires significant financial investments in technology and skilled personnel.
  • Ethical Considerations: AI decision-making may raise ethical dilemmas, necessitating clear policies.

IV. Key Considerations

  • Data Handling: Define how AI systems will access, store, and process company data while ensuring compliance with data protection laws.
  • Training and Oversight: Establish guidelines for AI model training and regular oversight to prevent biases and errors.
  • Transparency: Ensure transparency in AI decision-making and explainability to gain trust from stakeholders.
  • Legal and Ethical Framework: Develop policies to address legal and ethical concerns associated with AI.

V. Conclusion

  • Implementing AI and large language models for security and intellectual property protection can offer substantial benefits but also carries potential risks. It is imperative to strike a balance between harnessing AI's capabilities and safeguarding privacy, ethics, and compliance.


  • 1st place team: $3000
  • 2nd place team: $2000
  • 3rd place team: $1000

Congratulations to the following competition winners!

1st Place: James Madison University

2nd Place: Utah State University - McClellan Team

3rd Place: Utah State University - Johnson Team

Winning teams announced at the ceremony on March 23, 2024.