6th San Francisco

San Francisco 2018
6th International Workshop on the Changing Nature of Work (CNoW)
Bridging the Workplace of People, Data and Things

The CNoW Pre-ICIS workshop will be held in San Francisco, USA on Thursday, December 13, 2018, from 9:00-17:00. This will be the sixth meeting in the series (Milan, Italy – Dec. 2013, Muenster, Germany – May 2015, Ft. Worth, TX, USA – Dec. 2015, Dublin, Ireland - Dec. 2016, Seoul, South Korea - Dec. 2017). The 2018 workshop is co-sponsored by Workshop and Center for Work Science at Yonsei Univeristy, and supported by SIGOSRA.


The workshop business meeting will be held at the conclusion of this workshop.

Our exciting workshop program is now online.

Get an overview of the accepted papers and download the papers for reading.

Workshop description:

The nature of work in organizations is changing to accommodate new forms of organizing through modern digital platforms. Digital technology transforms jobs but also has deep effects on employee engagement and how meaning is formed in day to day work. While there is more flexibility in terms of when, where, and how we work there are also multiple adverse effects associated with these emerging patterns of work, for example too much connectivity and managing boundaries of work and personal life. Ultimately digitalization is transforming the workplace and organizing, including leading to new forms of leadership, governance structures and individual responses to these new patterns of work. These and other issues related to the digital workplaces bridging people, data and things will be explored in this workshop. You are invited to submit extended abstracts about your research (maximum 5 pages) related to the changing nature of work. Indicate whether this is a completed research project or research-in-progress. A combination of short presentations and discussions will be used to facilitate the exchange of ideas.

Potential topic areas include (but are not limited to) :

- Emerging new patterns of work

- Digital working and workplace technologies

- Algorithmic management

- Digital infrastructures of work

- Modern workspace as a combination of physical and digital environments

- Changing spatial and temporal dimensions of work

- Work fragmentation and nomadic work practices

- New forms of virtual teamwork and virtualization of work

- Transparency and open collaboration

- New technology-enabled forms of employee participation and engagement

- Gig economy, crowdsourcing

- Impact on professions and labor through digitization and automation

- Changing patterns of leadership, leadership in the digital age

- Impact of the digital workplace on work-life balance and boundary management

Keynote Speakers :

Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic (Professor, UNSW Business School) will talk about "Approaching the New Ways of Working processually: exploring emergence and becoming"

● Marleen Huysman (Professor, Head of KIN Research, VU Amsterdam) will talk about "Studying Analytics at Work: A Social Practice Perspective"

Important Dates :

Sep. 24, 2018 : Extended abstracts due. SUBMISSION SYSTEM IS NOW CLOSED.

Oct. 19, 2018 : Notification of acceptance

Additional Details :

Paper submission site : https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cnow2018

Paper template: Extended abstract template

At least one author of an accepted paper must register for the workshop. You can register for the workshop

1. with ICIS registration at https://icis2018.aisconferences.org/register/

2. without ICIS registration at https://aisnet.org/store/view_product.asp?id=12361155

(Those registering for the ancillary event only will have a $25 additional charge.)

Workshop Program Chairs :

Bart van den Hooff, VU Amsterdam (b.j.vanden.hooff@vu.nl)

Joao (John) Baptista, Warwick Business School (J.Baptista@wbs.ac.uk)

Mari-Klara Stein, Copenhagen Business School (ms.digi@cbs.dk)

Workshop Program Committee :

Margunn Aanestad, University of Oslo

J.P. Allen, San Francisco University

Michel Avital, Copenhagen Business School

Ana Canhoto, Brunel University

Jonny Holmström, Umeå University

Julia Kotlarsky, University of Auckland

Mareike Möhlmann, Warwick Business School

Steve Sawyer, Syracuse University

Daniel Schlagwein, University of Sydney

Martha (Marti) Snyder, Nova Southeastern University

Burt Swanson, UCLA Anderson School of Management

Carsten Sørensen, London School of Economics

Monideepa Tarafdar, Lancaster University

Lauri Wessel, University of Bremen, Germany

Workshop Officers :

Chair : Jungwoo Lee, Yonsei University

Vice Chair : Stefan Klein, University of Muenster

Secretary : Mary Beth Watson-Manheim, University of Illinois Chicago