11th Copenhagen

11th International Workshop on the Changing Nature of Work (CNoW)

Workshop theme: Changing the Nature of Work: Digitizing for the Next Generation 

Workshop date and time: 10 December 2022, from 10:00-17:00 in Copenhagen

IT-University of Copenhagen, Rued Langgaardsvej 7, 2300 Copenhagen. See specific details of location of the workshop within the university.

Getting there
: Take the M1 metro from Bella Center (the ICIS conference venue) towards Vanløse. Ride two stops, and leave at DR Byen. Walk 800 meter to ITU. https://goo.gl/maps/iTR3ds1P8adzAXGS8 

Program of the day:

  • 10.00 – 10.15: Opening by Organizers Louise Harder Fischer, Joao Baptista, Bart Van den Hooff, and Liana Razmerita (in Auditorium 2)
  • 10.15 – 11.00: Keynote by Mary Beth Watson-Manheim on “Investigating Digital Human Configuration Work and Its Implications” (in Auditorium 2)
  • 11.00 – 11.15:  Coffee break (in Atrium)
  • 11.15 – 12.00: Panel discussion organized by Liana Razmerita on “How to teach Changing the Nature of Work” Panel participants: Kirsimarja Blomqvist, Hila Lifshitz-Assaf, Nataliya Berbyuk Lindstrom and Antje Schwarz (in Auditorium 2)
  • 12.00 – 12.45: Keynote by Alexander Richter on "From Hybrid Work to Thriving" (in Auditorium 2)
  • 12.45 – 13.30: Lunch (in Atrium)
  • 13.30 – 15.30: Round-table discussions in Sky Boxes. Please see the detailed program to the right.
  • 15.30 – 16.00: Coffee and Cake (in Atrium)
  • 16.00 – 16.45: Keynote by Margunn Aanestad on “Implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics as reconfiguration of organizational work systems” (in Auditorium 2)
  • 16.45 – 17.00: Closing by Organizers (Auditorium 2)
  • 17.00 – 18.00: Business meeting and election (for members only)

Call for Papers

The nature of work and organizing is changing with the deeper embedding of modern new digital technologies in the workplace. In response to the Covid 19 pandemic organisations have accelerated the pace of digital transformation. New emerging digital work practices and arrangements based on remote and hybrid work are now the new normal way of working in many organizations. Digitization is therefore transforming work but also changing and challenging core aspects of organisations such as employee connectedness, engagement and how meaning and identity are formed and reproduced in day-to-day work. These deep effects contribute to the emergence of new forms of organising based on open platforms of communication, collaboration, and exchanges - for example, the growing use of crowd-based work platforms is redefining work arrangements and forms of organising. Digital workplace platforms and ecosystems can thus support more dynamic and fluid work arrangements within and across organisations, and allow for more flexibility in terms of when, where, and how we work. The potential to leverage the opportunities from this new landscape of work in organisations to improve the lives of workers is enormous. At the same time, there is great potential to create a better society and more sustainable organisations. Yet, this changing nature of work also raises many concerns and unintended consequences (e.g., digital fatigue, impact on well-being, meaningless work with algorithmic management and the corrosion of privacy). We need therefore to consider the future digitization of workplace and organizing and how to digitise for the next generation. This is the theme for this workshop where we would like to discuss new and current research that improves or challenges our understanding of these themes.

At the workshop, a combination of short presentations and group discussions will be used to facilitate the exchange of ideas. The workshop will take place in presence subject to confirmation of AIS.  

We are pleased to have three keynotes speakers at the event stimulating our thinking and setting context for the round table discussions:
  • Mary Beth Watson-Manheim, University of Illinois
  • Alexander Richter, Victoria University of Wellington
  • Margunn Aanestad, University of Agder

You are invited to submit extended abstracts about your research (maximum 5 pages) related to the changing nature of work. Indicate whether this is a completed research project or research-in-progress.

Potential topic areas for extended abstracts include (but are not limited to):

·        Emerging new patterns of work and organising
·        Digital working and workplace technologies
·        Algorithmic management within work platforms
·        Effects of remote work due to COVID pandemic
·        Digital infrastructures of work
·        Modern workspace as a combination of physical and digital environments
·        Changing spatial and temporal dimensions of work
·        Work fragmentation and nomadic work practices
·        New forms of virtual teamwork and virtualization of work
·        Virtual collaboration in digital organization
·        The use of AI in shaping new work practices
·        New technology-enabled forms of employee participation and engagement
·        Gig economy and crowd-work
·        Impact on professions and labour through digitization and automation
·        Impact of the digital workplace on work-life balance and boundary management
·        Creating more sustainable and resilient work arrangements in modern organisations
·        Managing digital exhaust and privacy issues
·        Workplace Datafication

We will also have a section of the workshop dedicated to teaching this topic, and we invite all that have experience in teaching topics related to the Changing Nature of Work to participate. To start with Liana Razmerita will share her experiences from the international summer university course, at Copenhagen Business School. The section will be organized in an interactive round table format.  

The workshop is followed by at Business Meeting, where we will select a President, a President Elect, a Treasure and a Secretary.

This is the 11th CNoW workshop. It started out at ICIS in Milan in 2013 and has been held every year since. We are a growing community and in 2021 we joined AIS as a Special Interest Group - the Changing Nature of Work with ICT (SIGCNoW).

Program Committee Members

Abayomi Baiyere, Copenhagen Business School
Bart Van den Hooff, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Burt Swanson, UCLA School of Management
Cristina Trocin, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Ella Hafermalz, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
John Baptista, Lancaster University
Lauri Wessel, European New School of Digital Studies
Liana Razmerita, Copenhagen Business School
Louise Harder Fischer, IT-University in Copenhagen
Mareike Mohlmann, Bentley University
Mari-Klara Stein, TalTech
Martha Snyder, NSU Florida
Monideepa Tarafdar, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Niki Panteli, Royal Holloway University of London
Steve Sawyer, Syracuse University
Anne Sophie Mayer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Gislene Feiten Haubrich, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Stefan Klein, University of Muenster
Malarvizhi Hirudayaraj, Rochester Institute of Technology
Aleksi Aaltonan, Temple University
Kathrin Kirchner, Danish Technical University
Nathaliya Berbynk Lindstrom, University of Gothenburg
Helena Valo Hult, University West
Nicola Ens, Copenhagen Business School
Marta Stelmaszak Rosa The School of Business Portland State University

Please feel encouraged to officially join our community when signing up to ICIS conference and join us in Copenhagen to celebrate in-person the formation of this new SIG!

The Workshop Program Chairs look forward to welcoming you in Copenhagen,

Louise Harder Fischer, IT-University of Copenhagen, louf@itu.dk
Liana Razmerita, Copenhagen Business School, lra.msc@cbs.dk 
Joao Baptista, Lancaster University, j.baptista@lancaster.ac.uk
Bart van den Hooff, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, b.j.vanden.hoof@vu.nl

Round-table discussions - groups and abstracts
Download program with facilitators and room details here

Round-table discussions take place between 13.30 - 15.30. Authors (in the mentioned order below) prepare a 5 min. presentation ending with some questions for the group to discuss. Each paper is given min. 20 min. and max. 30 min. depending on numbers of papers in the group. A facilitator is assigned to each session to keep time and pace (TBA). Please read all abstracts in your designated group and prepare to engage in good debate.  

Group 1:
Workers and their work

  • Paper 55. Revisiting Sociotechnical Work Principles from a Digital First Perspective. Nico Wünderlich and Louise Harder Fischer.
  • Paper 1. Human Workforce in the Digital Age. Jason Burton and Mari-Klara Stein.
  • Paper 3. Adapting to the Digitalization of Low-Skilled Work. Calvin Chan.
  • Paper 5. Data Scientists as Craft Workers: Theorizing Data work. Konstantin Hopf, Mayur P. Joshi, Arisa Shollo and Marta Stelmaszak.
  • Paper 2. Workers’ Meanings of AI’s Characteristics, Uses and Outcomes. Gabriel Wong, Damien Joseph and Andrew Prahl.
  • Paper 44. Employee cooperative startups in the digital era. Hanne Westh Nicolajsen, Lene Nielsen, Vasiliki Baka and Fie Foged Victor.

Group 2:
Human/AI configurations

  • Paper 9. Artificial Intelligence and the Changing Nature of Managing Human Resources: A Bibliometric Study. Elizabeth Ramberg, Kevin Carillo and Secil Bayraktar
  • Paper 38. Human-AI Hybrids in Virtual Teams: The Effects of IT Identity and Trust on Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Application. Denise McWilliams, Adriane Randolph, Reza Vaezi and Michelle Carter
  • Paper 49. Towards an Employee-Centered Design for Human-AI Collaboration: How Work Design Theory Informs the Design of AI Systems. Philipp Reinhard, Mahei M. Li and Jan Marco Leimeister
  • Paper 48. Human-in-Control: A Human-Centered Model of AI Augmentation. Rania Afiouni and Alain Pinsonneault
  • Paper 57. Conceptualizing effects of AI in the Changing Nature of Work of HR Managers. Malar Hirudayaraj and Joao Baptista
  • Paper 45. Developing or Undermining Expertise in the Shadow of AI? Marjolaine Rostain and Hila Lifshitz-Assaf

    Group 3:
    Remote work/nomads

    • Paper 17. Poshmark and other hustles: Neoliberal feminism in an economy of clicks. Nicola Ens
    • Paper 25. Holistic Competency in Online Freelancing. Pyeonghwa Kim and Steve Sawyer
    • Paper 10. Belonging on the Move: How Digital Nomads Synchronise Socio-Temporal Rhythms. Julian Prester. 
    • Paper 13. Building Resilience of Ukrainian Higher Education: Remote Academic Work in Times of War. Nataliya Berbyuk Lindstrom, Aleksandre Asatiani, Ludmyla Grynevych and Natalia Kononova
    • Paper 4. Teleworking is the New Normal. Understanding Employee Adjustment to Telework: A Coping Perspective. Ransome Bawack, Kevin Carillo, Gaëlle Cachat-Rosset, Josianne Marsan, Alain Klarsfeld & Tania Saba
    • Paper 29. How Might we Flow with the Go? Developing a Collective Thrive Model for Next-Gen Real-Time Work. Maylis Saigot, Pernille Rydén and Omar El Sawy

      Group 4: Platforms and algorithms

      • Paper 35. Creativity in the digital age: The effect of search algorithms on the ideation process. Ben Wolfson, Moran Lazar and Hila Lifshitz-Assaf
      • Paper 6. How to Govern the Crowd? Governance Mechanisms in Crowd Work. Anna Hupe and Ulrich Bretschneider
      • Paper 8. Location-based monitoring at work: When does transparency help to increase the acceptance of monitoring?. Christian Jandl, Setareh Zafari, Florian Taurer, Martina Hartner-Tiefenthaler and Sebastian Schlund
      • Paper 34. “Gig Communities”: Unearthing Practices of Learning and Innovating on Digital Platforms. Shuang Frost
      • Paper 36. Upwork just did what? Studying digital platforms (or how to observe something that does not want to be observed). Steve Sawyer, Isabel Munoz and Michael Dunn

      Group 5: Algorithm Management
      • Paper 27. Algorithmic Commitment and the Autonomy Paradox in Online Labor Platforms. Yaping Zhu and Jeffrey Mullins.
      • Paper 22. Fair and Unfair Algorithmic Management Practices – Perspectives of Workers on Digital Labor Platforms. Laura Schulze, Manuel Trenz, Zhao Cai and Chee-Wee Tan
      • Paper 39. Algorithmic Control: Does One Size Fit All? Hui Hao, Monideepa Tarafdar and Traci J. Hess
      • Paper 7. Working in an Analytical Cage: The Paradox of Agency in Workplace Datafication. Marta Stelmaszak and Aleksi Aaltonen
      • Paper 12. Tensions between Affordances and Valuations of People Analytics among Stakeholders. Maren Gierlich-Joas and Joschka Hüllmann

        Group 6: Hybrid work

        • Paper 15. Who should come to the office? – Toward a decision support tool for hybrid work. Kathrin Kirchner and Christine Ipsen
        • Paper 18. The role of ICT permeability when working-from-home: An examination of work and family outcomes. Rui Sundrup, Manju Ahuja and Massimo Magni
        • Paper 32. Getting IS-Professionals on Board in Hybrid Work – An Organisational Discontinuity Theory Perspective. Stefan Faltermaier, Susanne Kiener and Marina Fiedler
        • Paper 26. Leadership for fostering employee engagement in Hybrid work. Blooma John, Niki Panteli and Zeena Alsamarrai
        • Paper 33. Beyond insecurity, “Work instability” as a defining component of uncertainty in the hybrid working era. Gislene Haubrich, Ella Hafermalz, Maura Soekijad and Marleen Huysman
        • Paper 46. Interorganizational Collaboration in Times of Hybrid Work Arrangements: An Experiential Computing Perspective. Adeline Frenzel-Piasentin, Marina Hauser, Moritz T. Bruckner and Daniel J. Veit

        Group 7: Covid and Organizational Change

        • Paper 14. Privacy is Out of Office: The Anatomy of Privacy Challenges in Digital Workplaces. Mena Teebken, Ioanna Constantiou and Thomas Hess
        • Paper 37. Fine-tuning Sociotechnical Change in Digital Work. Alessio Maria Braccini, Anna Sigridur Islind, Aurelio Ravarini and Helena Vallo Hult
        • Paper 11.  Return of the manager: Do next generation hybrid workplaces need good managers more than good leaders? Kaie Kaas-Ojavere, Kristjan Jasinski, Maris Zernand-Vilson and Mari-Klara Stein.
        • Paper 40. Investigating changing work practices: An Activity theory approach. Emma Gritt and Emma Forsgren
        • Paper 41. Transformation of higher education during and after COVID-19. Stefan Klein and Mary Beth Watson-Manheim
        • Paper 42. Tired of Tech: Knowledge Workers’ Experience of Exhaustion from Digital Tools and Technologies. Sienna Helena Parker and Roni Shen

        Group 8: The Changing Workplace/ Professional Identities in the digital age

        • Paper 47. Adaptability in the digital workplace. Lan Li
        • Paper 56. Conceptualizing Workplace Learning in Healthcare Digital Transformation. Ann Svensson and Helena Vallo Hult
        • Paper 50. How Low Code Development Platforms are changing the Workplace. Edona Elshan, Mahei Li and Ernestine Dickhaut
        • Paper 19. Mining Sensor-Based Data Affecting Journalists' Professional Identities. Irina Boboschko and Claudia Loebbecke
        • Paper 23. Changing Professional Boundaries: The Case of Digitalization in Dentistry. Anne-Sophie Mayer, Anastasia Sergeeva, and Fabian Hable
        • Paper 30. Standardization of Psychotherapy? - Identity Work of Psychotherapists with a Blended Therapy Solution (Research-in-progress). Fumi Kurihara, Ekaterina Jussupow and Annamina Rieder

        Group 9: Systems design and development/Digital Organizing

        • Paper 31. Effects of Team Structure in the Implementation of Potentially Disruptive Innovations. Davide Secchi, Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen and Maria Festilia
        • Paper 43. Disentangling the Potentials of Low Code Development Platforms - A Functional Affordance Perspective. Ernestine Dickhaut, Edona Elshan and Andreas Janson
        • Paper 53. Workspace Design for Creativity, Collaboration, and Innovation: An Exploration of the Digital Impact Jon Beard
        • Paper 54. Temporary digital organizing for complex problem solving. Kirsimarja Blomqvist
        • Paper 20. Facing organisational culture in the remote setup: An investigation of job satisfaction in European countries. Antje Schwarz
        • Paper 24. Organizational Learning in the Age of Work-From-Home. Ruilin Zhang, Jungpil Hahn and Jun Wang
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