NEAIS Chapter Spring 2022 Newsletter |
NEAIS 2022 Conference
- This year’s conference will take place at the Northeastern University on Saturday, October 29th, 2022.
- The following committees have been setup to help plan for the conference:
- Conference planning & venue committee
- Paper review committee
- Fundraising and advertising committee
We are seeking volunteers to help with planning for the conference. If you are interested in participating in any of these committees, please contact us at:
- Conference Submission Deadline: Monday, July 25, 2022
Past Conference (2021) News
- Best paper awards ($1000) were awarded to the authors of the following articles:
- The Association of mHealth Features with User Engagement in Weight Management Interventions: A Literature Review by An Tran, Bengisu Tulu and Gramos Kamberi (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
- Second-Party Data Acquisition for Business Analytics by Xiaoping Liu (Northeastern University) and Xiaobai Li (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
Executive Board Updates
- The face of our leadership has changed as a result of last year’s general conference meeting as well as the addition of new volunteers to serve as at-large directors. The current listing of Executive Board and At-Large Directors is listed below:
NEAIS Executive Board:
President: Yang Lee, Northeastern University
Past President: Luvai Motiwalla, U Mass Lowell
Vice-President: David Murungi, Bentley University
Secretary: Ermira Zifla, U New Hampshire
Treasurer: Yuzhu Li, U Mass Dartmouth
Events/Communications Director: Jing Wang, U New Hampshire
At Large Directors:
Yurong (Chrisy) Yao, Suffolk University
Haijing Hao, Bentley University
Pratyush Bharati, U Mass Boston
Arnold Kamis, Brandeis University
Diane Strong, WPI
Shankar Ganesh, Babson University
Website and Social Media
For more information related to the chapter as well as community updates (job postings, IS related lectures etc.) please visit our website (NEAIS) and join us in the NEAIS LinkedIn group.
NEAIS Event Advertisements
If you have any events such as speakers, workshops or job openings that may be of interest to NEAIS please direct these to our Events/Communications Director (Jing Wang) and who can help broadcast these to the rest of our community.