Dear NEAIS Members, October 29th, 2022
Welcome to our fourth annual conference of the New England chapter of the Association of Information Systems (NEAIS). The NEAIS Chapter Board is very grateful to the support from Northeastern University Administration for hosting the meeting at their campus on Saturday, October 29th, 2022. The attached conference program provides details of the day’s activities. We are thankful for your support, the AIS Council, and Northeastern University for making this conference successful.
The conference will start with a welcome from Professor Emory A. Trahan, Dean of Northeastern University's D'Amore-McKim School of Business, followed by two keynote addresses from Professors Stuart Madnick (MIT) and Lynda Applegate (Harvard). These keynote talks will be followed by a panel discussion with Professors Bin Gu, Shaila Miranda, and Sam Ranbotham who are senior editors at premier information systems journals (MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research). Also, two Best Papers will be announced and awarded with $1,000. This will be followed by two research paper presentation sessions of three tracks. We are glad to see faculty members from over ten universities such as Babson, Bentley, Brandeis University, Harvard, Suffolk, WPI, UNH, UMass-Boston, UMass-Dartmouth, UMass-Lowell, Cornell, and Northeastern University registered for the conference this year.
This year’s conference has attracted many papers from IS faculty and PhD students on a variety of research topics such as Misinformation, Health-IT, Social Media, Crowdsourcing, Information Privacy, and Machine Learning. With the broad topic diversity from the research presentations and the central theme of Misinformation, there will be something that sparks the interest of all attendees, leading to productive discussions at the conference. Finally, we have five corporate sponsors, Celonis, Future Wei, McGraw-Hill, Prospect Press, and Pearson, and Northeatern University sponsoring our conference. We hope you will visit their tables to learn about new publications available for your courses.
In conclusion, NEAIS board members are thankful for your support and hopeful that we can make the NEAIS a very successful and active Chapter of AIS.
Thank you,
Yang Lee, Luvai Motiwalla, Yuzhu Li, , David Murungi, Ermira Zifla, & Jing Yang
2022 NEAIS Board Members
*ISEC: Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex (ISEC), Northeastern University
805 Columbus Ave, Boston, MA 02120
2022 Conference Sponsors
Your Conference Committee Teams:
Conference Committee
(Planning & Venue Selection)
Program Committee
(Paper Review & Best Paper Selection)
Fundraising and Promotion Committee
David Murungi, Conference Chair, Bentley University,
Yuzhu (Julia) Li, Chair, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth,
Haijing Hao, Bentley University,
Carol Lee, Northeastern University,
Shankar Ganesan, Babson College,
Yang Lee, Northeastern University,
Yang Lee, Northeastern University,
Inchan Kim, University of New Hampshire,
Yuzhu (Julia) Li, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth,
Jing Wang, University of New Hampshire,
Xiaoping Liu, Northeastern University,
Luvai Motiwalla, University of Massachusetts Lowell,
Chrisy Yao, Suffolk University,
Mahed Maddah, Suffolk University,
Julie Zhang, University of Massachusetts Lowell,
Chrisy Yao, Suffolk University,
Liang Zhao, Northeastern University, |
Ermira Zifla, University of New Hampshire,
Peter Xu, Northeastern University,