Call for Papers

SIGGreen Pre-ICIS Workshop 2024

Program Chairs

Jiyong Park, University of Georgia,

Anne Ixmeier, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München,

Vijaya Lakshmi, Université Laval,


SIGGreen is the AIS Special Interest Group on Green Information Systems. SIGGreen provides a platform for those in our discipline who are concerned with how information systems can help reduce human impact on the natural environment – one of the greatest challenges of current time. SIGGreen recognizes that the Information Systems (IS) discipline can have a central role in creating an ecologically and socially sustainable society, drawing from its five decades of experience in designing, building, deploying, evaluating, managing, and studying information systems to resolve complex problems.

The Pre-ICIS Workshop provides an annual forum for the breadth of sustainability research in IS and thus contributes to further developing this important IS research domain. We invite papers employing a wide variety of methods. We welcome empirical (qualitative and quantitative), design-oriented, and theory development research papers.

Interested authors submit extended abstracts (paper template provided), which will be peer-reviewed by at least two expert reviewers. Successful abstracts will be shared with other workshop participants. After the pre-ICIS workshop, authors are invited to submit a final paper incorporating feedback. Workshop papers will be published as workshop proceedings in the AIS Electronic Library (AISeL).

Important Dates

- 2 October: Submission of extended abstracts to: jiyong.park@uga.eduwith the subject line "SIGGreen Pre-ICIS Workshop 2024"
- 6 October: Pre-screening, desk rejects, and reviewer assignments
- 18 October: Peer reviews due
- 28 October: Notification of acceptance
- 15 December: Workshop (time and location to be confirmed)
- 31 January: Submission of full workshop papers for publication in AISeL (optional)

Formatting Requirements for Extended Abstracts

- title page + page break
- max. 2 pages text including all figures and tables + page break
- references

Reviewing & Discussion

- Each submission will receive two peer reviews (unblinded)
- For each submitted article, the author team commits to review at least two other papers
- Reviewers will also be asked to serve as discussants at the workshop

See Reviewing Guidelines