Tracks & Special Issues

SIGGreen is continuously expanding its presence at conferences and journals through offering tracks and special issues relating to its goals.

Our objective is to provide an opportunity to publish at the major Information Systems conferences worldwide. If you are organising a track or special issue at an AIS conference or journal, or at an AIS-affiliated conference or journal, please (optionally) reach out to the president to get an endorsement for your proposal and to add it to this list.

Venue Submission Deadline Title of Track / Special Issue
HICSS 2025 2024, June 15 Location Analytics, Sustainability, and Climate Action: Special Track on Location Intelligence
ECIS 2024 2024, April 30 Workshop: Technology as an Enabler for Circular Economy (Tech4CE)
ECIS 2024 2023, November 17 Green Information Systems and Sustainable Development
Tech4CE 2023, April 3 Digital technologies for Circular Economy
DESRIST 2023 2023, January 16 Sustainability and Responsible Design Track
ECIS 2023 2022, November 17 Co-creating Sustainable Digital Futures
CAIS 2022, October 31 Digital Innovation for Social Development and Environmental Action
MISQ 2022, September 20 Digital Resilience for the Climate Crisis
AMCIS 2022 2022, March 1 Green IS and Sustainability
PACIS 2022 2022, March 15 Sustainability and Societal Impacts of ICTs