August 17, 2018
Strand 1
Theories for Analyzing Innovation and Technology in Emerging Financial Markets: The Case of Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading
Wendy Currie, Audencia Business School
Jonathan Seddon, Audencia Business School
Ricky Cooper, Stuart Business School
Ben Van Vliet, Stuart Business School
Enterprise Systems Adoption and Implementation in Chinese SMEs: Exploring Relationships Between User Firms and Technology Providers Through ANT
Zheng Xu, Wenzhou University
David Brown, Lancaster University
Mark Stevenson, Lancaster University
The Impact of Prosocial Microlending on Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: A Cross-National Natural Experiment
Minxu Shen, East China University of Science and Technology
Jason Chan, University of Minnesota
Yi Ding, National University of Singapore
Jin Chen, East China University of Science and Technology
James Pick (Chair)