Contribute to progress in the economically developing world through the appropriate use and diffusion of ICT and associated management practices.Mission
Contribute to progress in the economically developing world through the appropriate use and diffusion of ICT and associated management practices.
We believe that SIG GLOBDEV will:
- Contribute significantly to tackling the problem of global poverty and the global divide through its educational and research activities
- Provide stimulating intellectual and professional challenges to its members
- Show the relevance of the information systems discipline by helping AIS members play a leading role in the alleviation of an urgent global problem
Approximately three billion people exist on less than USD2 per day- a situation, which is untenable from a humanitarian viewpoint and a threat to global peace and stability. Our thesis is that Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) can play an important role in alleviating this situation. New wireless technologies, for example, do not require massive investments in infrastructure and can enable communications, e-government, and telemedicine to be brought to even the most distant and impoverished populations.
To achieve its goals, SIG GLOBDEV must:
- Develop strong relationships with IS faculty from schools in developing and developed economies by a program of outreach through AIS and other means.
- Bring together researchers from other academic communities who are interested in providing educational infrastructure and resources and performing action research in the area of global development.
- Leverage the limited resources of its membership and the schools they represent by partnering with governments, NGOs and corporations in significant educational and research initiatives.
SIG GLOBDEV will engage in the normal activities of a SIG in that it will develop a scholarly community and advance knowledge by activities such as:
- Conducting workshops at AMCIS, ICIS, and other academic venues
- Developing a web site with significant research resources
- Sharing membership information
SIG GLOBDEV will differ from other SIGS in its emphasis on relationship building and fund raising. Currently envisaged research and educational activities are summarized below.
Research Activities
- Develop proposals for funding of SIG projects by industry, government, and NGOs
- Scholarly exchange between universities in economically developing and developed countries – faculty and PhD students
- Conduct case studies and perform action research relating to ICT interventions in economically developing countries using partnerships between faculty and PhD students in both economically developed and developing economies.
Educational Activities
- Design and assist the implementation of PhD programs in developing economies using the program at Addis Ababa University, with which several AIS member are involved, as a model
- Support the “Global Text Project” – develop open source text books and case studies in management, entrepreneurship, economic development and ICT implementation
- Develop opportunities for short educational seminars, online courses, and online certificate and degree programs
- Graduate student studies abroad program to build educational capacity