ICIS 2018
SIGGIS Workshop
San Francisco, CA
Thursday, December 13, 2018, 8:30am – 2:00pm
As part of the pre-ICIS Workshop on “Location Analytics and Location Things: Connectedness and Collaboration”, the Special Interest Group on Geographic Information Systems (SIGGIS) of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) seeks theoretical and empirical research papers focusing on location analytics, location-aware Internet of Things (IoT), its applications in the collaborative (or sharing) economy, and case examples, especially as they relate to research areas in Management Information Systems.
Location analytics and GIS have become deeply integrated into society, transforming every aspect of human’s life. These technologies move the Internet beyond cyberspace to the location-aware Internet of Things (IoT), so-called Location of Things (LoT). They enable connections among objects whether they are fixed (such as appliances at homes and warehouses) or moving (such as cars, pedestrians, and trucks), helping cooperation of these objects and the analysis of their mobility patterns in space and time. While locational technologies can create value, the very success of these technologies also raises issues related to the use of spatial data, such as privacy and trust.
Manuscripts focusing on conceptual model, theory, methodology, applications, behavioral studies, and case studies with regard to emerging opportunities and issues in location analytics, location-aware IoT, or GIS, and its applications in the collaborative economy are welcome in the following areas:
Potential topics (not limited to topics listed below):
- Location analytics
- Location-aware IoT
- Spatial decision support
- Spatial data mining and knowledge discovery
- Web-based GIS concepts and applications
- Social media location analytics
- Location analytics in the collaborative (or sharing) economy
- Location-aware IoT in the collaborative (or sharing) economy
- Mobile-based location analytics and applications
- Security and privacy of location information
- Diffusion and benefits of location analytics, location-aware IoT, and GIS
- Managerial concerns in location analytics
- Ethical aspects of location-aware IoT and GIS in general
- Location analytics and GIS workforce, training, and education
- Spatial Crowdsourcing
- Cloud-based location analytics or GIS
- Emerging opportunities and issues in location analytics, location-aware IoT, or GIS
- Use of location analytics and GIS in nonprofit organizations.
- Country-level studies of the use of location analytics and GIS.
- Descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive location analytics
Authors are encouraged to clearly identify and articulate the role of location or place in the research questions.
Deadline to submit papers: October 15, 2018 (no later than midnight PST).
Author notification of paper acceptance: November 1, 2018 (no later than midnight PST).
Final papers due: November 15, 2018 (no later than midnight PST).
- Papers should not exceed 6,000 words including all text, abstract, figures, tables, references, and appendices.
- Papers should conform to the ICIS 2018 submission template available at https://icis2018.aisconferences.org/submissions/submission-instructions/.
- All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed.
- Completed papers should be submitted to Dr. Dan Farkas, Chair of SIGGIS, and Professor, Seidenberg School of CSIS, Pace University NY, by email: dfarkas@pace.edu. Please use “Pre-ICIS SIGGIS 2018 Workshop: Research Paper Submission” in the subject line of your email submission.
- Papers will be published as part of Proceedings of SIGGIS 2018 pre-ICIS Workshop at http://aisel.aisnet.org/siggis/.
- At least one author must register and attend SIGGIS 2018 pre-ICIS Workshop on “Location Analytics and Location of Things: Connectedness and Collaboration” to present the paper. Paper presentation is tentatively scheduled as part of the Workshop on Thursday, December 13, 2018.