Past Events


ECIS 2023

SIG EntSYS Business meeting on 14th of June 2023, late afternoon.

The AIS EntSys SIG Committee invites you to the upcoming AIS SIG EntSys business meeting, which is to be held on Wednesday, the 14th of June, 2023, in conjunction with the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) at Kristiansand, Norway.

Please find the details of the meeting below:

Venue: Room A7 002, ECIS, Kristiansand, Norway
Time: 17:15

We understand some members may be unable to physically attend, and thus we are providing an online platform for remote participation. You can join us through the following link:

The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

Introduction by Alta van der Merwe
Explanation on the Purpose of the new EntSys SIG by Robert Winter
Update on Activities by Christian Leyh:
Special tracks

  • HR: Ambassadors for SIG - People involved in special tracks
  • Special Issues by Robert Winter
  • LinkedIN group update by Robert Winter

Membership update by Alta van der Merwe
Financial update by Robert Winter
General Open Discussion

This meeting is a significant opportunity to stay informed about the current activities and future plans of the SIG, to interact with other members, and to actively contribute to shaping the direction of the group.

We look forward to your presence at the meeting. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need any further information.

Best Regards,

Alta van der Merwe
Robert Winter
Christian Leyh

AIS EntSys SIG Committee


AMCIS 2023

Track: Enterprise System (SIG EntSys)

MiniTrack I: Enterprise Systems – Integration and Transformation Challenges in the Era of Digitalization: Managerial and Technological Perspectives

MiniTrack II: Healthcare Enterprise Systems: the adoption of Integrated Information Systems in healthcare industry

HICSS 2024

Minitrack “Enterprise Ecosystems: The Integrated Enterprise, Levels of Information Systems Research
(Process, Enterprise-, Ecosystem- & Industry-Level)”

AMCIS 2022 Business Meeting

The meetings serves as an environment to discuss enterprise-level information systems research. The meeting includes two invited tasks of experts on trends and future research in the domain (Prof. Dr. Robert Winter, Prof. Dr. Norbert Gronau). The meeting also includes the annual meeting of the AIS Special Interest Group Enterprise System related part (brief report, discussion on thematic positioning of the SIG, Potential activities/initiatives 2022/2023, Election of positions for SIG (President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership, .etc.)

ICIS 2022 Business Meeting

The meeting serves as an environment to discuss enterprise-level information systems research. Moreover, AIS SIG Enterprise Systems positions election will be conducted.

  • Brief report on the previous activity
  • Thematic positioning of SIG ES
  • The election Committee presents election process
  • Election of positions for SIG (President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership, Research Promotions, Advisory Board)
  • Potential activities/initiatives 2023/2024 (conference participation, tracks, special issues)