About SIG EntSys

Information Systems (IS) can be studied and designed on different levels. While individual and team/workgroup level IS use and design are classics of the IS discipline, enterprise-level IS (ES) is investigated less frequently. With the changing needs of corporate strategy and the business environment, corporate IS must continuously evolve.

The synergies between ES studies and these related fields have been under-researched as they traditionally have been treated separately. ES (such as ERP, CRM and the like) have long played an essential role as the operational backbone of most organisations. With the increasing complexity of today's business relationships, the management of backstage integration and a flexible way of decoupling between backstage and frontstage ES are gaining importance.

The challenge to integrate technological innovations and adapt business processes within organisational IS continues. Information Systems are continually enhanced with technology innovations, leading to challenges with adopting these changes on an enterprise- and ecosystem level. Integrating business processes and systems within and between companies remains complicated. The challenge for organisations includes internal and external integration challenges, but they also must explore establishing new IT infrastructure business models.

This SIG seeks to explore current issues, both from an academic and practical perspective, surrounding the evolution of the integrated IS – all themes related to information systems' internal and external integration. This spans topics such as strategic, operations, social, project and process management, supply chain, and absorbing a wide range of emerging technologies into the core of information systems as well as platform approaches of IS.

The management team of the SIG comprise of:

Elected positions:

  • President Alta van der Merwe (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
  • Secretary Christian Leyh (Technical University of Central Hesse – University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
  • Treasurer Robert Winter (University of St. Gallen/Switzerland)

Advisory Board:

  • Narcyz Roztocki (State University of New York at New Paltz, USA) for Director Conferences & Events
  • Benedict Bender (University of Potsdam, Germany) for Director Publications
  • Norbert Gronau (University of Potsdam, Germany) for Director Industry Contacts
  • Reinhard Schütte (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
  • Axel Winkelmann (University of Wuerzburg, Germany)