Previous IRIS/SCIS

2023: IRIS46/SCIS14 (Porvoo, Finland) - Reflecting on the Nordic Approach to IS Research
2022: IRIS45/SCIS13 (Helsinge, Denmark) - Workforce Leadership in the Age of Digital Transformation 
2021: IRIS44/SCIS12 (Online Conference - Orkanger, Norway) - Living in a Digital World?
2020: IRIS43/SCIS11 (Online Conference - Sundsvall, Sweden) - Digitalization in times of transition
2019: IRIS42/SCIS10 (Nokia, Finland) - Smart transformation
2018: IRIS41/SCIS9 (Aarhus, Denmark) - Digital adaption, disruption and survival
2017: IRIS40/SCIS8 (Halden, Norway) - Challenging smart
2016: IRIS39/SCIS7 (Ljungskile, Sweden) - Living in the cloud 
2015: IRIS38/SCIS6 (Oulu, Finland) - System Design for, with and by users
2014: IRIS37/SCIS5 (Ringsted, Denmark) - Designing Human Technologies
2013: IRIS36/SCIS4 (Gran, Norway) - Digital Living
2012: IRIS35/SCIS3 (Sigtuna, Sweden) - Designing the Interactive Society
2011: IRIS34/SCIS2 (Turku, Finland) - ICT of Culture - Culture of ICT (download papers)
2010: IRIS33/SCIS1 (Comwell Rebild Bakker, Denmark) - Engaged Scandinavian IS research
2009: IRIS32 (Molde, Norway) - Inclusive Design 
2008: IRIS31 (Åre, Sweeden) - Public systems in the future – possibilities, challenges and pitfalls 
2007: IRIS30 (Tampere, Finland) - Models, Methods, and New Messages 
2006: IRIS29 (Helsingør, Denmark) - Paradigms Politics Paradoxes
2005: IRIS28 (Kristiansand, Norway) - Reaching out
2004: IRIS27 (Falkenberg, Sweden) - Learn IT, Know IT, Move IT
2003: IRIS26 (Porvoo, Finland) - Scandinavian Approach to IS Research?
2002: IRIS25 (Bautahöj, Denmark) - New Ways of Working
2001: IRIS24 (Bergen, Norway) - Knowledge Systems
2000: IRIS23 (Uddevalla, Sweden) - Doing IT Together
1999: IRIS22 (Keuruu, Finland) - Enterprise Architectures for Virtual Organisations
1998: IRIS21 (Sæby, Denmark) - <No Theme>
1997: IRIS20 (Hankø, Norway) - Social Informatics
1996: IRIS19 (Lökeberg, Sweden) - The Future
1995: IRIS18 (Gjern, Denmark) - Design in Context
1994: IRIS17 (Syöte, Finland) - Quality by Diversity in Information Systems Research
1993: IRIS16 (Copenhagen, Denmark) - <No Theme>
1992: IRIS15 (Larkollen, Norway) - <No Theme>
1991: IRIS14 (Umeå-Lövånger, Sweden) - What are Our Most Important Reseach Questions?
1990: IRIS13 (Turku, Finland) - Reconstruction and Destruction of Information Systems
1989: IRIS12 (Skagen, Denmark) - Creativity and Systems Development
1988: IRIS11 (Røros, Norway) - Empirical Research
1987: IRIS10 (Tampere, Finland) - <No Theme>
1986: 9th Scandinavian Research Seminar on Systemeering (Lund, Sweden) - Quality of Work versus Quality of Information Systems
1985: 8th Scandinavian Research Seminar on Systemeering (Århus, Denmark) - <No Theme>
1984: 7th Scandinavian Research Seminar on Systemeering (Helsinki, Finland) - <No Theme>
1983: 6th Scandinavian Research Seminar on Systemeering (Øystese, Norway) - Human Perspective in Systemeering
1982: 5th Scandinavian Research Seminar on Systemeering (Stockholm, Sweden) - Information Formalization in Organizational Contexts
1981: 4th Scandinavian Research Seminar on Systemeering (Oulu, Finland) - <No Theme>
1980: 3rd Scandinavian Research Seminar on Systemeering  (Saarijärvi, Finland) - <No Theme>
1979: 2nd Scandinavian Research Seminar on Systemeering (Dragsfjärd, Finland) - Appraisal of the PSC model for systemeering
1978: 1st Scandinavian Research Seminar on Systemeering (Tampere, Finland) - <No Theme>

Letter of Address at IRIS34 in Turku, Finland by Markku I. Nurminen, professor emeritus at University of Turku

Read about Per Flensburg's proposal for IRIS scientific background here.
The purpose is to identify from where we came but most important: In which directions we are moving.