Position |
Description |
Office Holder |
1. President (elected) |
Leads and provides direction to the SIG ASYS in meeting its purpose and objectives. The President actively represents SIG ASYS in its relationships.
(2 year term starting on even years)
Daniel O'Leary University of Southern California oleary@marshall.usc.edu (January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025)
2. Past-President (one) |
Facilitate the transition with the in-coming president, assist the president in activities on-going at the time of transition, and provide advice and support to the president.
W. Alec Cram University of Waterloo wacram@uwaterloo.ca (January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025)
3. President-Elect (elected) |
Facilitates the activities put forth by the President, prepares a plan for future goals to grow the SIG ASYS and fulfill the SIG ASYS purpose and objectives, and facilitates the operations of the SIG ASYS.
(2 year term starting on even years)
4. Vice President Americas (elected) |
Represents the SIG ASYS membership from Region 1 in accordance with the SIG ASYS’s purpose and objectives.
(2 year term starting on odd years and re-electable – may vacate to serve position 3)
Scott Boss Bentley University sboss@bentley.edu (January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024)
5. Vice-President Europe/Africa/Mid East (elected) |
Represents the SIG ASYS membership from Region 2 in accordance with the SIG ASYS’s purpose and objectives.
(2 year term starting on odd years and re-electable – may vacate to serve position 3)
Eddy Vaassen Tilburg University e.h.j.vaassen@tilburguniversity.edu (January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024)
6. Vice-President Asia/Pacific (elected) |
Represents the SIG ASYS membership from Region 3 in accordance with the SIG-ASYS’s purpose and objectives.
(2 year term starting on odd years and re-electable – may vacate to serve position 3)
Angela Liew University of Auckland a.liew@auckland.ac.nz (January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024)
7. Secretary (elected) |
Represents the SIG ASYS in its relationship to the parent organization – the Association for Information Systems (AIS). Responsibilities include filing all reports as needed.
Facilitates membership growth and proposes SIG ASYS activities that would improve service to the members.
Maintains and enhances relationships between the SIG ASYS and professional and academic organizations outside of the Association for Information Systems (AIS).
Maintains a detailed record of the SIG ASYS's evolution and activities in order to preserve organizational memory.
(2 year term starting on even years and re-electable – may vacate to serve position 3).
Ulaganathan Subramanian Universiti Teknologi Brunei nath.subra@utb.edu.bn (January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023)
8. Treasurer (elected) |
Manages SIG ASYS funds, provides oversight over expenditures/ reimbursements, and assures that the SIG ASYS is not financially overcommitted.
Maintains records of meetings and voting decisions to assure a record of SIG ASYS activities.
(2 year term starting on even years and re-electable– may vacate to serve position 3).
Sumantra Sarkar Binghampton University ssarkar@binghamton.edu (January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023)
9. Vice-President of Meetings & Conferences (elected) |
To maintain SIG relationships and foster coordination with accounting information systems symposia and conferences globally.
(2 year term starting on odd years and re-electable)
Tawei (David) Wang DePaul University david.wang@depaul.edu (January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024)
10. Web-Master (appointed) |
Maintain the SIG website to facilitate communication with the membership and enhance the announcement of SIG activities.
(Appointed annually (and renewable) by the President)