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Chapter Reception and AISD First Award ceremony at ECIS 2022


On June 22, the AIS Chapter Germany (AISD) hosted its Chapter Reception at the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) in Timișoara, Rumania.


After a series of virtual chapter receptions, this was the first in-person event since ICIS 2019. More than 40 attendees used the opportunity to network with colleagues and to attend the award ceremony of the very first AISD First Award.


The AISD First Award is designed to promote new members of the AISD community by recognizing an outstanding publication that an author has published in a leading journal as their first-ever IS journal article.


Winners of the AISD First Award 2022:


Ekaterina Jussupow

“Augmenting Medical Diagnosis Decisions? An Investigation into Physicians’ Decision-Making Process with Artificial Intelligence” (Information Systems Research)


Timo Sturm (1st runner-up)

“Coordinating Human and Machine Learning for Effective Organizational Learning” (MIS Quarterly)


Sofia Schöbel (2nd runner-up)

“Capturing the complexity of gamification elements: a holistic approach for analysing existing and deriving novel gamification designs” (European Journal of Information Systems)


